We Carry On


We carry on.

We move forward.

Sometimes we trip over our own two feet.  Often the heaviest weight is our own.  Sometimes we stumble to the ground.

And when we do stumble, we reach up, searching for the hand of a friend to help pull us along.  Often we find it.

But sometimes we don’t.  And then, still we stand.

The weight might be heavy.  We may feel we carry it alone.  We may cry out in the darkness and hear no response but the echo of our own cries.

But what matters most is not how fast we go, how elegantly we carry, or how light we are able to make the load.

For always it will be there.  For each and every one of us.  Our private burdens, our secret struggles.

Indeed, what matters is not how the step is taken but rather that it is taken.  That we move forward.  Sometimes slowly, sometimes swift, but always forward.  Each new day, a new step.

The pain, the joy, the struggles, the success.  Every breath of our lives, every wish made towards the Heavens.  Every heartbreak and every heart song.


We carry on.

The painting above is by the talented Caitlin Connolly.  She just opened an online shop that you can find here.  This is NOT a sponsored post.  This painting just really spoke to me, and so I wanted to share it with you all.