
I’m in a bit of an ornery mood today. And as such, I thought I would share my irritation with all of you. Nothing like spreading a bit of malcontent, right? Anyway, here we go. Things that annoy me:

Other Patrons at Flat Top Grill

I’m not sure how many of you have been to Flat Too Grill, but it’s this awesome Asian stir fry place. Imagine a salad bar with oodles of veggies, meat, and stir fry sauces. You go up there with your plate, load it up, and deliver it to the cooks. It sounds like a perfect, custom made eating experience. And it would be. If stupid people didn’t eat there. Somehow, I always end up behind the woman who takes fifteen minutes to decide whether to include water chestnuts. Then of course she gets confused by how many sauces she should include and then whether to go with pork or sirloin. By the time I’m ready to drop my bowl with the cooks, I usually need blood pressure medication.

People Who Tell You Not To Worry

You know the situation. There is something that you are completely worried about. If you are a world class worrier like me, you have probably blown everything out of proportion and are convinced the world is going to collapse around you. You might be in desperate want of some anti-anxiety medication like Xanax but since you are pregnant, you are a good mama and go without. All of this is going on, and what helpful advice do people have for you? “Just don’t worry about it. You’re making all of this up. Just get over it.” Or the worst, “You are doing this all to yourself.” Does anyone ever really say, “Oh, they told me not to worry. I guess I was wrong, and I should just go pick daisies instead of worrying.” Probably not. If my child is afraid of something, I don’t tell her “Don’t be afraid,” and expect all to be well. Please don’t do the same to me.

Other Swimmers at the Gym

I have a very strict routine when I run or swim. I go at a time when there aren’t a whole lot of others out, and I, in no way, swim or run next to another person because the odds are that they are faster/better than me. I like pretending that I am fast and world class. Yes, I like pretending like I am in the Olympics. When some jerk comes and swims next to me, I quickly see that I am not in the Olympics, and in fact, the overweight, eighty year old woman next to me could kick my ass. It pisses me off.

Russian Gymnasts

I haven’t watched the Olympics in years, but I got into it this year. One thing that I was pleasantly surprised by was that the American gymnasts seemed like normal people. Small, strong, freakishly talented people, yes, but still normal people with clear eyes and happy smiles unlike the dead eyes and fake smiles I remembered from years ago. This really made me happy. But those two little Russian girls? They piss me off. I really wanted to like them. I want to like people who are willing to give their all for a chance at glory. But I just can’t handle the whining and crying from them. I’m not one for divas and divas they are. Bitter, rude, annoying little divas.

That venting really made me feel a bit better. Before I go though, I would like to add one thing that should piss me off but really doesn’t.

The odd pairing of Phil Phillips with Female Gymnastics

If you have watched any of the women’s gymanstics, you have probably heard that NBC has selected the Phil Phillips (American Idol) song, “Home,” as their theme song. I love gymnastics, and I surely love Phillips, but the two have absolutely nothing in common. I can’t think of a single reason why Olympic gymnastics reminds someone of the lyrics, “I’m gonna make this place your home.” The Olympics is for “One Shining Moment,” or “One Moment in Time,” not some folk love song. Like I said though, this should piss me off, but it doesn’t. It actually makes me happy. I guess it’s just because it’s pairing two things that I love. Go figure.

Tomorrow, I will be back with more positive thoughts. I don’t like spreading annoyance. Sometimes though, you just have to let it out, or it will eat you alive.


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