Some Days

Most days are a mix of good and bad – lots of drama and tears and boo boos mixed in with sporadic moments of pure bliss.

Some days it’s like I’m walking in the clouds. Everything just goes my way

And some days it’s just hard.

The tears won’t stop for hours.

We finally get on the road, and we need to stop and take all three kids out for a potty break.

There’s nothing in the fridge.

There are no clean clothes appropriate for the day’s activities.

The dog has an accident on the carpet.

I can’t find my keys.

We’re out of gas in the car.

And it’s pouring outside.

I try my best on days like these to count to three before reacting. (Ten just isn’t safe with littles.).

I try to remember that they are four and two and 3 months and that they are acting as a four year old and two year old and an infant should. It’s their right.

I try to remember to look for the positive. To focus on the love. To remember that this too shall pass.

But you know what?

Some days it’s just hard.


4 thoughts on “Some Days

  1. What a beautiful (and perfect-for-this-post) photo! Happy Mother’s Day to you! And thank you for your super sweet comment you left on my blog. You’re right, there are some tough days and we have to remember not to judge ourselves only by the tough days (and pray when our kids grow up, they remember the good ones too! lol)

  2. You’re right – some days it’s just hard. It does get better (mine are slightly older than yours), but some days it’s still just hard. And on those days, we need to give ourselves a bit of extra grace. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and for linking up with the Write Mama blog hop. (Cute pic, btw.)

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