Soccer Mom No More

One of my favorite things is to share the activities I loved as a child with my girls.  I was really excited when Magoo loved making woven potholders, and I love sitting on the couch watching YouTube videos of my favorite Annie scenes.

I love being able to relive the joy that these activities brought me.

So I had a great time today when Magoo took out the wiffle ball bat and ball that the Easter Bunny brought her.  TJ and I took turns pitching to her, and I must say, she has a pretty good swing.  I actually was really surprised by how far she could hit the ball and how often she could connect considering that she has only held a bat once or twice in her life.  Her stance looked so natural and comfortable.

Last summer, she decided she wanted to play soccer.  I would sit at her soccer practices and look longingly across the street at the t-ball games.  They looked so much more exciting.  But I didn’t want to lean her in any direction, so I kept my mouth shut.  But as she sat out in the field hugging the other kids and twirling in circles, completely oblivious to the fact that she was supposed to be running after the ball, I started to realize that maybe I wouldn’t have to be a soccer  mom after all.

And then about a week ago, she told me that she wanted to play t-ball this summer.  And I’ve had a grin ever since.  I played softball for many years as a kid, and I adored it.  I wasn’t half bad either 😉  That’s how I spent my summers, and when I got older, that’s how I spent my spring as well.  I loved the smell of the grass, and the feel of the dirt under my feet.  I loved to put the mitt up to my nose and take a deep breath of the leather mixed with fresh dirt.  I loved knowing where the ball was going to go the second the bat cracked, and I can still feel the rush that would fill my chest when I would lunge for a ground ball, pivot, and throw it over to first base just in the knick of time.  Really, I adored playing softball.

And who knows if any of the girls will share my love of the sport, but right now, Magoo seems to be heading in that direction.  She has been giddy ever since hitting the ball the first time.  She told us she just won her first softball.  I’m not exactly sure what led her to believe that or what she thinks you actually have to do in order to win (she jumped up and down excitedly when TJ caught her fly ball,) but it’s given her that rush, and that’s really exciting to me.

And then we came inside, and she ran to get a piece of paper to write down her win in a journal entry.  She wants to make a chart so she can remember all of her wins.

Softball and writing.  What could be better?  I’ll go to bed tonight a happy mama.