Quotes to Dream By

I’m having a rough day.  It’s nothing catastrophic.   Just irritable kids, a lot to do, and no motivation to do it. I thought relaxing for a bit would help me, but it really hasn’t.  But I realized that two things can sometimes get me out of a funk: Garth Brooks and quotes.  I really don’t want to lie in a dark room listening to songs, so I thought I would go on a quote hunt for those that are meaningful to me today.  And of course, I thought I would share 🙂

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ” Robert Louis Stevenson

I think this quote can be meaningful for many at home moms.  After all, we don’t get to do much reaping in terms of quantifiable results, but we spend our days nurturing the seeds.  It’s all about what we put in that matters. So when we see piles of dirty laundry and kids who need baths and dinner that just won’t make itself, we can remember that while those things may not have been done, perhaps we did something a little greater within a child’s heart, and we just can’t see it.

Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” Albert Einstein

I just like this one because it reminds me that we don’t need to always just focus on the everyday.  We can focus on something greater: on progress, on growth.  We can’t grow without adversity.  Although I really wish we could find some way to remedy that.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson

What better words to hear when we are feeling like a failure!  There’s no point lamenting the past and beating ourselves up over it.  It only brings more pain and misery.  Live in the present; be the person you wanted to be yesterday today.  All we ever has is the present.

The well bred contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves.” Oscar Wilde

Ha – I must be extremely wise 🙂

Best wishes for a good end to your week 🙂

3 thoughts on “Quotes to Dream By

  1. Great quotes…I love quotes 😉
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Thanks for linking up to First Day of My Life’s Thankful Thursday <3

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