Minocqua Trip

TJ and I took the girls to Minocqua, WI for a mini-vacation this weekend.  Our plans all along had been to take a larger vacation to South Dakota this summer, but then I got pregnant, and Magoo is starting school, and we basically ran out of time.

This was a perfect compromise though.  We rented a really cute one bedroom condo on the lake and had a ton of fun.  We got there Friday afternoon and went out to dinner at this little place called Paul Bunyan’s which I had been to a couple of times as a kid.  Then we went back to our place and swam.

The next day we went to Wildwood Zoo which is this awesome little zoo where they have deer roaming around and the kids can pet them or feed them.  In my opinion, this is one of the greatest places in the country to go with little kids.  We then spent the rest of the trip either at the beach or at our pool.

It was a long drive, and we are all exhausted.  That’s why I’m going to be unusually brief tonight.  But I did create a little slideshow with some of my favorite pictures from the trip.  Take a look if you get a moment.  I think I caught some good photos 🙂  While I am tech savvy enough to create the video, I’m not savvy enough to know how to embed it, so you will have to click on the link below to view it.  You can watch it in Windows Media Player.

