Hugs for God


We have had a busy weekend.  Lots of places to go and lots of things to do.  Running around completing tasks doesn’t give us much silence to listen to little voices.

After completing a week’s worth of activities this morning, Magoo and I hopped in the car to go to one of her friend’s birthday parties.  As I write, I’m actually sitting in one of those big warehouse, trampoline places that’s filled with so much energy I’m amazed the walls don’t blow out.

It took us a bit to get out the door.  After getting her all ready and about to head out to the car, she let me know that I forgot to give her a lunch.

So I quickly fed her and then said the round of goodbyes again, and we got halfway to the car and I looked back, and she was not wearing a coat.  In 30 degree weather.  When I asked her why, she looked at me quizzically and said, “Because you didn’t tell me to.”  Fair enough.

So we finally got all bundled up and got on the road, and she started telling me how she prays to God every night before bed.  I ask her if this is with Daddy during the bedtime routine or if it’s on her own.

And then she told me that she keeps a book of prayers under her pillow.  She found a chapter of bedtime prayers and so she says that one each night after Daddy turns out the light and shuts the door.

And then she asked me why I was rapidly blinking and I had to remind her again that sometimes mommies cry happy tears when they are faced with the pure innocence of their little girls.

She asked me why we pray.  The best answer I could come up with for a five year old is that it’s our way of giving our Heavenly Father a hug.

She seemed to like that answer.  I liked that answer.  It was as sweet and innocent as her prayers.

It’s moments like these that remind me that our babies growing up can be sad, but it’s so worth it because each new chapter brings new blessings.  It brings new moments like this that to me feel an awful lot like hugs from God.

We can mourn the passing of each season, or we can find the beauty and truth in it.  I hope I always find a way to choose the second route.

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