Graduation Day

Dear World,

Nine months ago, I sent my little girl out into your greedy arms.  She was young and had never been any place without the loving hands of either her father, myself, or her grandparents on her shoulder.  She had never been in room where someone there didn’t love her whole heartedly.  She had never been sent into a room to make friends, to compete for loyalties, to be noticed in a crowd of her peers.  She was this tiny little package that I had nurtured and loved and cared so deeply about for four wonderful years.  I was afraid you would break her.

And now today, TJ and I and her sisters sat on folding chairs in a science lab in her school and watched her march to “Pomp and Circumstance” for the first time.  She had on her blue frilly Easter dress, white patent leather shoes, socks with ruffles, and a mortar board made out of construction paper and puffy stickers.  I couldn’t have been prouder had she been walking in to Harvard Hall to claim her PhD.

And as I looked into her bright blue eyes, I saw a different little girl staring back at me.

She was confident.

And strong.


Open to new experiences.

Excited to tackle the world.

And kindergarten.

When I sent her out into you, dear world, I was afraid you would break her.  But you didn’t.  You strengthened her and helped her gain confidence in her own two hands and her own two feet.  You taught her that she could make friends all on her own.  She could handle problems without mom there to solve them for her.  You taught her that she could take on new challenges and overcome new obstacles.

And don’t get me wrong.  When we walk out that door in a few months for kindergarten, her with her new little backback, black mary janes and Catholic school jumper, I am still going to doubt you.  I’m still going to want to hold her under my wing and shield her from your harsh realities.  But I will be more confident in her and her ability to handle you.

We’ve made some headway world, you and I.  I can’t say I exactly trust you with my girls, but you’ve broken down some of my defenses.


9 thoughts on “Graduation Day

  1. Yay! What a moment to be a mommy. 🙂 She can totally handle this world. You can just tell by looking at her.

  2. What a beautiful letter to the world. I hope the world keeps treating your children in such a wonderful way x

  3. I still remember thinking I had two more years with my oldest son before I had to send him out into the world and now that was *gasp* 33 years ago! His son is now preparing for his first flight. Following his two older sisters out into that world. It doesn’t get any easier! 🙂
    Congratulations to your little one!

  4. How sweet! I don’t know how I’m going to be able to let my little girl go off to school either. Gosh, I’d never thought about that fact that she’s never been away from someone who genuinely loved her before. So happy your little grad came away from preschool ready to tackle the world…or at least kindergarten!

  5. So glad the world showed your sweet girl how wonderful it can be. You can just see the confidence in her eyes, may all your future school years end on such a lovely high note. Sending my little one off to school literally nauseates me at the moment (insert nervous laughter, here) so hopefully in a few years, when the time comes, I’ll be as strong as you when my little bird is ready to test out her wings.

  6. I love the photo and your words. Goosebumps! You’re doing an amazing job with your beautiful, confident, amazing daughter. I’m so glad that the world has been kind and wonderful to her.

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