Common Senseless

I completed my first post broken elbow run today a mere 9 days after the break!  I was almost crying throughout the run because I was so excited to be out there.  For the last week I have been terrified that I would abandon running and go back to being a couch potato, so today’s run went really far in proving to myself that I can do this and become a real bonafide runner.  It was hard running while keeping my entire upper right side of my body immobile, but I did it.  Sadly, I could only do a mile and a half because my shoelace came untied and my elbow and wrist wouldn’t let me retie it.

Perhaps that’s why I’m never accused of common sense — going out for a run in the rain when I can’t even tie a shoe or fasten a button because of an injury I sustained while running.  But common sense is overrated anyway.  If I had that, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

So anyway, I am really proud of myself, and that means everything to me.  I started running because I hadn’t felt pride in anything for quite awhile.  I had lost confidence in my ability to stick to anything, and I was starting to lose confidence even in my ability to handle small, everyday situations.  The woman who thought she could take on the world ten years ago started to believe that she couldn’t even take on the laundry.

But that’s changing.  I am becoming someone new.  I am leaving that meek, scared, depressed, self-loathing person behind,  and I will again become someone that I can be proud of.

So bring it on world!  I may not have common sense, but I have plenty of fight.

One thought on “Common Senseless

  1. Hello Thank you for linking up to Fitness Friday, that is awesome that you got out there for your run. I love running I just need to get back into it. Keep up the great work and don’t give you keep fighting. 🙂

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