About Me

My name is Amanda.  As I write this, I am 34 years old; however, I have a feeling I will forget to update that, and so it will probably say that until I’m in my fifties.


I like to write.  I have written daily for about the last five or six years.  It’s really the only way I know of to make sense out of life.  If I don’t write, things get jumbled in my head and I start to lose myself.  I think we all can have a tendency to live life on autopilot quickly bypassing any chances for growth, introspection, and change.  Writing helps me combat that at least a little.

I could give you my entire biography, but I don’t think that’s what you are interested in here, so instead I will try to cover the important things.

I have two beautiful little girls.  On the blog, I refer to them as Magoo and Goose.  Those aren’t their real names.  I have been married to my husband for a little over nine years.  I call him TJ.  That’s his nickname.  I consider myself incredibly blessed to be sharing my life with the people I am.  I have friends and family who have been with me forever, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I am pretty much a stay at home mom.  I work about 5-10 hours a week teaching online college English courses.  If you have any grammar questions, I am the person to ask.  Grammar is a bit of an obsession for me.  I’m the lady with a closet full of grammar books to read on a rainy day.

I have decided to start this blog because I need something of my own and that I can create.  I want something that I can pour my heart into and see it grow.  I am hoping this blog becomes a place where people can go to in order to find peace and inspiration because that is what it does for me.

I have quite a few hobbies, actually.  Besides writing, I like knitting, crocheting, running, and sewing as well as organizing and decorating.  I like experimenting with photography, but I am quite a newcomer to that world.  I’m hoping to start making jewelry soon mainly because I get so inspired by what I see on other people’s blogs.  In terms of my knitting and crocheting, I don’t have an Etsy site and I don’t sell what I make because I worry it will take all the fun out of it, and creating is kind of pointless if you aren’t enjoying it.

I love quotes.  You will find quotes sprinkled throughout my blog.  When I was in college, I used to write out quotes on note cards in different color markers to use as decoration.  That kind of decorating looks kind of weird in an adult’s house, so instead I just sprinkle them around my blog.  That’s just who I am.  I hope you are inspired by them as I am.

I believe in treating people with respect and kindness.  We can’t always agree and we don’t always like everybody, but we can always be respectful, even when we aren’t being shown respect.  Dignity and integrity are all about living up to our own standards, and I consider it a successful day if I was able to do this in most of my interaction.

I also believe in doing something in life that makes a contribution to the world, even if it is in a very small way.  We can’t take any material possessions with us after life is over, but I do believe we can leave quite a bit behind, and I fully believe in paying it forward.  I think as a parent that the number one way I can do that is through example for my daughters.

Finally, I believe in having confidence in myself.  I struggle with this just as I think everybody does.  But life moves forward when we believe in ourselves; otherwise, it stagnates.  This blog is my affirmation to myself of who I am.  It’s my opportunity to put myself out there and accept myself even if others don’t.  It’s a big step forward for me.

I hope you like my blog, and I hope you will come back often.  It’s a work in progress, but that’s how I am, so I guess it fits.

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I can’t seem to find your join button. Looking all over, I want to help you reach that 100 goal. I might the returned favor in a few more days. Wink wink 😉

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I’m going for 100 on Twitter. Not there yet on actual blog :-(. There are links to email sign up, bloglovin, and linky on main page. No GFC because I’m not on blogger.

      Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll make sure to stop by your site and help you meet your mark 🙂

      Have a nice night!

  2. I’m having a hard time finding where to comment on some of your other posts so I figured I would just write you a note here… I love your “why i blog” and “letter to my girls” posts… the latter even choked me up. You have a gift, you are an amazing writer. Thank you for sharing 🙂

    1. Thank you for such kind words – you made my day!! And thanks for the heads up about comment issues. I’ll check that our ASAP. Have a great weekend!

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