Be the Change

So you think you’re sick of me now?  I’ve decided to join the lovely folks at The Story of my Life for their “blog everyday in May” challenge.  Yup – I told you that you would get sick of me.

I’m obviously starting a little bit late, and I’m going to run off track a few days because I have some posts already scheduled, but I think I’m going to go for it.  It’s a little overwhelming to think about, but she has come up with some awesome writing prompts, and as an English instructor, I love me some good writing prompts!

And so let’s begin.  Today the prompt is about favorite quotes.  And I’m not sure how many of you know this about me, but I am crazy about quotes.  And I guess it makes sense.  I love words.  I’m inspired by words.  At one point, I had my whole dorm room decorated in quotes written on note cards and taped to the walls.  Classy huh?

And so it would seem that for someone who has a binder full of hundreds of quotes that it would be hard to pick just one, but it was remarkably easy.  Because when it comes to quotes, I’m a Ghandi girl…

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Perhaps it’s a boring quote to choose because it’s plastered everywhere, but I think that’s for good reason.

Too often, we go through life finding what’s wrong with the world and with others.

People drive poorly.

People don’t give enough to the poor.

People cut in front of us in line.

People ignore their kids.

People ignore their duties.

We can become obsessed with everything that others are and do and don’t do.

And it’s a nice preoccupation.  Because it lets us off the hook.  We can rest smug and secure knowing that in these areas, we are far superior human beings.

But it’s all a ruse.  Because for every fault that we see in others, we have a dozen more residing within ourselves.

And so this quote reminds me to stop looking outward and instead look inward.  Instead of judging, do.  Instead of focusing on the negative, reflect the positive.

Be the change.

What’s your favorite quote?  I would love to hear it.  If it’s really good, perhaps I’ll write it on a note card and stick it on my wall.