The One Where I Complain About Everything and Everyone.

I think I’m usually pretty good at seeing both sides of an argument.  I usually don’t have much of a problem picking sides, but I do think I at least tend to listen to the opposition and give them their share of credit.

Not today though.  Today, everyone is pissing me off.

No one has napped, so everyone has been having meltdowns every 35 seconds.  Goosie is sick, so we have been quarantined to our house.  And I have tonsillitis, so what little energy I have, I haven’t wanted to donate it to being the better person.

So without further ado, here is my list of things that are annoying me today.

  1.  Don’t bring a box full of wires and circuits into school.  If you are 14, you can be excused because, really, how much common sense do 14 year olds have?  Even highly intelligent ones.  His parents should have known better.  The police, after finding out that it wasn’t a bomb, should have known better and acted within this kid’s rights.  The teachers made the right call.  The kid was just being a kid.  No one else has an excuse.
  2. Donald Trump should NOT be anybody’s first (or tenth) choice of candidate.  I try to respect other people’s political views, but Trump?  Seriously?  What does the man really stand for besides his own best interest?  Trump 2016?  Welcome armageddon.
  3. Politicians who cannot pass a budget should not be paid until the budget is passed.  Early Intervention in Illinois may be shutting down soon because its providers aren’t being paid by the State.  My opinion?  You don’t do your job, you don’t get paid.  Why should you get paid when therapists aren’t getting paid for their work and kids aren’t receiving their services?  Incompetence should not be rewarded.
  4. Kim Davis?  I don’t even know where to stand on this issue, but every party in this situation gives me a headache.  And I can’t deal with a headache today.
  5. Children who won’t nap.  If you aren’t going to nap when you are sick and when I am sick, you do not have a right to terrorize this house with temper tantrums.  Sleep already.  Please.  Really, I’ll pay you if you will just please take a nap.  For the sake of humanity already.  Sleep!

And that’s it.  That’s what I have to complain about today.

I try to be a source of positivity.  I try to see all sides.  But sometimes I get sick of being the bigger person, and I just want to call people idiots.  I consider my work here done.

If you live in Illinois, and you want to be better than me (and really you should) and be an agent of positive change in the world, please consider contacting your local representatives and urge them to fund early intervention.  So many deserving kids rely on it.  I will be contacting them shortly.  Hopefully I will have more patience with them.

I’ve been pretty lazy about writing lately, and I’ve been even lazier about sharing it here.  But here is what I have had to say elsewhere on the web.

Why I Bring My Young Children to Mass

The Importance of Family

Sometimes I Fail

How Gratitude Changes Everything

Re-Entering the Dark


One thought on “The One Where I Complain About Everything and Everyone.

  1. I agree with your very well written and reasoned remarks – good job on the writing while sick! I hope the naps happen. ((hugs))

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