Sleep Tight


I think the hardest part about being a mom is seeing your children in pain.

Kids are lucky.  They go through life expecting good things to happen.  They can’t see around corners; they don’t know that there’s a whole world of things that are much scarier than the dark.

But we do.

We see their innocence, and we know that there are those who want to rob it from them.

We see their hope, and we know that it will sometimes be dashed.

We see their capacity for love, and we know it will sometimes be given in vain.

We hear their laughter and feel their spirit and love their souls, and we know there are those out there who will mock them and laugh at them and tear them down.

We know because it happened to us.

So sleep tight, my child.  Rest, knowing that the world is safe and kind.  Rest knowing you are beautiful and smart and so very worth it.  Tomorrow the world will have a different message, so tonight sleep in the peace of your dreams.

I will sit here and watch you.

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