Merry Christmas


Last year at this time, I sat in this very spot and I sang The Muppets’ “A Baby Just Like You” to a little Mae who hadn’t yet shown her face to the world.  I marveled at how I got to sing it for a third time to a third baby.  At how lucky I was.

And now I sit in this same chair, listening to the same song as an almost one year old Mae sits at waves at the Muppets as their picture goes across the screen.  I see Magoo twirling throughout the living room, excited for the holiday to come.  I see Goosie going a bit spastic not quite understanding exactly what is going on but knowing it’s exciting nonetheless.

And I am in awe.

I have been blessed.  Blessed in ways that I never knew possible.  Blessed in ways I could never deserve.  Blessed in ways that solidifies my beliefs in God and Angels and peace and purity.

And I am overcome with gratitude and love and thanksgiving and joy.

And at this moment, my one Christmas wish is that everyone can find this one moment in their hearts.

Merry Christmas all y’all!
