In Search of Simplicity

Sometimes my head spins with complexity.

I over think everything.

I think of every possible thing that could go wrong.

I evaluate my every move to judge whether or not I am doing a good enough job.

And then I wonder where my peace has gone.

One thing about having kids is that it brings me face to face, every day, with the complexities I have interwoven into my life.

I used to really thrive on drama and passion and overpacked days.  If I didn’t have fifteen places to be and twenty things to do in any given day, I would feel off.  I would get bored.  And my mind would wander, and when my mind would wander, it would invariably lead to anxiety.

I still get anxious.  A lot.  More so than probably most really anxious people.  I’m a pro at it.  But one thing that I am quite proud to say is that I am no longer afraid to be by myself.  I’m no longer afraid to let my mind wander.  I’m no longer afraid of free time and open space.  And as such, I have started craving it.

I want long lazy days with the girls where we can curl up on the couch and read books.  I want to take a break from planning and replanning and overplanning and just enjoy this brief and sweet season.  I want to take a break from the commotion of the world.

In short, I want to live more simply.

We have a lot going on in the next few months, and busy schedules don’t lend themselves to simplicity.  But perhaps that is why I need to fight for it even more.

I want to refuse to give in to the chaos of the world and focus only on what matters.  Only on what is eternal.

I want to live more and do less.

How about you?

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