Hello Monday

Hello Monday.

Hello to a great day to start anew.  To windows open and breeze rustling the curtains.  To the smell of fresh cut grass coming in with the evening air.

Hello to spring weather and trips to the park and walks around the block.

Hello to new perspectives.  To learning to see the opportunities in front of us before the challenges they present.  To taking each day at its own merit and giving each day its own chance to shine despite the hardships the previous ones may have brought.

Hello to spring cleaning.  To the opportunity to make my house a comforting and inspiring place for my family to come home to.  To always remembering just how blessed we are to have this beautiful home and how blessed I am to be able to spend my days in it with my babies.

Hello to new opportunities.  To finally finding the courage to take this little blog seriously.  To buying my first blog ad and to trying to really make a go of it.

Hello to learning that it’s better to take a chance and fail than to fail for lack of trying.  To realize that in the end, it’s better to know that you didn’t have what it takes than to know you didn’t even give yourself the opportunity to try.

Hello to a new chance to get it all right.  Or at least a little less wrong.  Or maybe just wrong in a different way.  Who knows.

Hello to Lisa Leonard for inspiring my “Hello Monday” post, and to Little Miss Momma (one of my all time favorite blogs) for introducing it to me.

And hello to my new favorite toy: my Macbook Pro Retina that allows me to make silly little graphics like this in two minutes.  You may be seeing a lot more of them!


One thought on “Hello Monday

  1. Lots of things going on in your part of the world. 🙂 Love the smell of fresh cut grass – you know summer is nearly here when you can smell that. Have a good week!

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